Including COSHH Safety Data Sheets
These RAMS are for long term contracts where the changes of work will not alter. These are to be reviewed yearly.
This package includes comprehensive site specific RAMS which are fully compliant under CDM 2015 regulations. These types of RAMS are required by all Clients and Principal Contractors.
If you only require RAMS for 1 task than this item is for you. This document ensures that you are fully compliant without any redundant paperwork.
Under CDM 2015 construction projects become notifible to HSE when
If your project meets any of these criterias than you will require this package.
This package is for works that do not need to be notified to the HSE. All construction projects regardless of size and complexity do need a construction phase plan under CDM 2015 however.
You will get a a fully compliant Construction Phase Plan for your project.
HAVS/WBVS calculation Spreadsheet
This package provides easy to read, excel spreadsheet calculations for your tools and equipment to ensure that your Operatives are not exceeding the vibration magnitude limit.
Add a footnote if this applies to your business